Ways To Get Affordable Auto Insurance

Article Highlights

  • Most people are seeking the right policy at the right price

  • There are discounts and other things you can do to reduce your rates

  • You don't have to sacrifice coverage to get affordable auto insurance

Many of us face the same challenge: We want the right coverage, but we also want affordable auto insurance. There are several ways that you may be able to save money - some that may surprise you. Who doesn't want affordable auto insurance? You can have the right coverage at the right price for you.

Some simple ways to save money on your auto insurance include maintaining a clean driving record, assuming more risk on your policy, and the inclusion of certain safety features when buying a new car.

Affordable Auto Insurance that May Be Available to You*

Here are a few discounts that you may qualify for:

  • Defensive Driver Discount: Some drivers may qualify for discounts after successfully completing a defensive driving course recognized by the applicable state's Department of Motor Vehicles or Licensing.

  • Good Student Discount: You may receive a discount if you are a high-school, college or university student who receives qualifying good grades and/or makes the deans list.

  • About your car: If you're shopping for a new car, look for a vehicle with certain safety features, such as anti-lock brakes or airbags, which make the car safer. Additions like these may decrease the likelihood the vehicle will be involved in an accident, while also reducing the risk of injury to passengers.

Things You Can Do for More Affordable Auto Insurance

Asking for a higher deductible can also keep more money in your wallet. Your deductible is the amount of money you have to pay toward repairs before your insurance covers the rest. For example, if your deductible is $100 and your car suffers $1,000 of damage in an accident, you pay $100 and your insurer covers the remaining $900. By increasing your deductible, you may end up paying less on your policy.

Many drivers are not aware of the different ways they can make their auto insurance more affordable, so it is important to read through your entire policy. Make sure you understand exactly what is included in it. Double-check to make sure you qualify for certain discounts, and if they are available to you, take advantage of them.

Learn more about Auto Insurance 101 and how to consider your lifestyle and goals for Getting the Right Coverage.

* Discounts are not applicable in all states. Speak with a 21st Century representative for more details.

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